NEW AND LIVE: “Mama’s Boyfriend” – Kanye West
Kanye performs one of his new songs live, with clear video footage. I gotta say, if this is what this song is really going to sound like, it’s going to be on my Top Played before you know it. So. Freaking. Good.
Also, I had another thought about Kid Cudi sounding mainstream or not as talented as before. This idea was sparked after a person under the name of Solarcatcher commented on my earlier post saying that maybe Kanye has a hand in pushing Cudi to go toward radio stardom. The thing about this is, in my opinion, Kanye is a little bit like Lil Wayne in that both are heads of a group of talent (in Wayne’s case, Cash Money, in Kanye’s, G.O.O.D. Music) – and both seem to be a little intimidated of their proteges becoming bigger stars than they are. The difference is, Wayne doesn’t do much to stop it other than step out of the limelight a little (and this is before he went to prison), whereas Kanye seems to put a bit of a stopper on his team’s talents. It seems like if Kanye is getting the idea that Kid Cudi has the potential to be bigger than he is, Kanye himself might have the powers to take away some of Cudi’s fanbase. Because let’s face it, anybody who is a diehard Cudi fan most likely revels in the dark, lonesome side of him and would squirm in disgust at hearing Kid Cudi on Top 40 radio. So Kanye then pushes him to go mainstream. Meanwhile, Kanye’s at work creating his own album that continues to push boundaries and draw in crowds, and what do you know – Kanye stays on top, group stays successful, everybody’s happy? Oh, except for, you know…Kid Cudi’s true fanbase. And…maybe Kid Cudi himself, for signing with a nutcase who always wants all the attention on him.
What do yall think? Time for me to go to bed? Or does that make sense? Just speculating here. Oh and one more thing – did I mention how excited I am for this song to come out?